
Free Consultation

Is your business growing? Do you currently need to hire employees? Give us a call and we can help set you up with the best and most efficient form of payroll for your business. We offer a live payroll service and After-the-fact payroll. As part of our payroll service, we will help you to get to the bottom of any notice that is received pertaining to your payroll accounts.

Live Payroll

Our live payroll consists of actual check cutting, direct deposit submittal, or voucher printing. Each method produces the same outcome but in a different way. Our goal is not to force you into something that you currently are not ready for, or in some instances do not necessarily need, but to put you in a situation that best suits your company. Giving options is always a plus and by using our professional payroll service, not only will you receive the best service, but you will actually be dealing with someone who cares.

After-the-Fact Payroll

After-the-fact payroll is actually more of a service that is bundled in with our accounting packages. This is for clients that currently have a system where they are able to produce their own payroll checks or deposits for their employees, but they need our help in producing and preparing the quarterly payroll tax returns.

Whyte & Associates vs Others

There are many payroll services out there now that focus strictly on payroll, and that is the only service that they provide. Whyte & Associates feels that there are countless problems with this because they actually do not seem to have any knowledge of how payroll coincides with accounting and taxes. For a cheaper price, why not use our service where we will be able to advise you in all of your business needs instead of just one.

Give us a call and we can give you a quote today!

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