A business is more than its formation and dissolution. Those are simply bookends, albeit important ones that can have significant implications for you and your family on a personal level. However, an awful lot goes on in the middle, the in-between. At Whyte & Associates, Inc., our highly qualified and experienced team of financial, tax, and accounting professionals is here for you in Rancho Cucamonga, California, at every stage in the “lifecycle” of your business. Our finance consulting services arm you with valuable insights about your business and put “numbers” to the health of your operations, which can then drive smart decision-making on the part of your team.
This is the best time to reach out to us! We want to serve as extensions of your team and as valued members of your “cabinet” alongside other professionals like lawyers, real estate brokers, and bankers/lenders. Notably, we can advise on the best structure for your new business. How and when you incorporate it can have enormous implications for the rest of your life, both professionally and personally. If you don’t incorporate properly, you may be personally on the hook for future legal action taken against your business by other parties. There are also significant tax implications associated with how you structure or incorporate your business. Right from the get-go, what you do now really matters to the future of your business and your financial health.
We get businesses off on the right foot from the start. But we also help businesses get back on the right track. Sound planning and an accurate and complete understanding of the company’s current financial footing make a world of difference. Our team has considerable experience in drafting accurate financial forecasts. We don’t overestimate or underestimate when it comes to projections regarding the likes of your revenues. You can trust our forecasting and that it is realistic. Anything less than this will not serve your business well. Our professionals are furthermore complemented by advanced infrastructure – software, technologies, and systems that are airtight and securely and adaptively keep invoices, expense claims, and other items in your “paper trail” to glean real-time insights into your operations.
Dissolution and formation services alike are important. First, it is essential to note that not all prospective exits are negative, nor do they necessarily signify an end to your business. In fact, this “exit” may be just the transition or next chapter you need to recharge your professional life. Now, of course, the services that we provide on this front are wholly specific to your unique personal and professional needs at that moment. We may be able to bring new ways to get your business to light or provide invaluable guidance on potential mergers, sales, and conversions to franchise models or existing franchise systems. As needed, we ensure that all associated paperwork is processed accurately, completely, and in a timely and responsive fashion.
Startups and dissolutions merely bookend the business experience. So, we are available for everything in between and whenever you need our professional financial expertise. Consider Whyte & Associates, Inc. as your “sounding board.” Our team in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, is also living proof that you can surmount whatever the economy or industry has in store – we have a nearly 70-year history to show for that! Contact us at (909) 575-0080 today. We welcome any specific questions that you may have.
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