Do you need personal tax preparation services in Rancho Cucamonga?

Personal Tax Preparation Services at Whyte & Associates, Inc. in Rancho Cucamonga Area

It is perfectly legal to prepare and file your own taxes, but less than half of Americans choose that option. According to the IRS, six out of ten taxpayers opt to hire an account or other financial professional for personal tax preparation services. For those in or near Rancho Cucamonga, the natural choice is Whyte & Associates, Inc.

The benefits of professional tax preparation

Why do most people pay someone to prepare their taxes? The reasons are many, including:

  • Accuracy – Do you understand the tax laws applicable to your circumstance? Are you sure about what forms you need, and what each item on the forms mean? If not, preparing your own taxes can be risky. Professionally prepared taxes give you the confidence of knowing they are done right.
  • Convenience – Odds are, you have better things to do with your time than pour over receipts, tax booklets, and worksheets. In fact, lack of time is a commonly cited reason for procrastination in tax filing. Hiring a professional can save time and avoid hassles.
  • Special circumstances – Self-employment, home sale or purchase, marriage, divorce, inheritance, and parenthood are just a few examples of life events that can change and complicate your tax situation. Even if you have done your own taxes in the past, you might not feel confident with self-preparation this year.
  • Savings – The simplest tax preparation involves a short form and standard deduction. However, if you choose that option you might pay more than necessary. Many people pass up deductions and credits because they worry about being audited or accused of fraud. That can certainly happen if you claim something that you do not actually qualify for! However, a professional tax preparer will know what deductions and credits you can rightfully claim and help with other tax saving strategies. You can avoid overpaying without wondering whether you have crossed a legal line.

Why choose Whyte & Associates, Inc.?

Personal tax preparation is just one of many services that we offer, and we will not disappear when tax season ends. Our Rancho Cucamonga office is open year-round, providing a full suite of customized financial services for individuals and businesses.

Would you like your tax strategy in August when seasonal locations are closed? Are you a business owner in need of bookkeeping or payroll services? Do you need an accountant or Enrolled Agent who can represent you with the IRS in a tax audit? Perhaps you simply need income tax preparation services. Whatever your needs, we are here for you. Just call us at (909) 575-0080 to get started.

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