
Audits need not be emotionally taxing! A trio of truths about the audit process and professional services

IRS Audit for Small Businesses in Rancho Cucamonga CA Area

Audit is one of the more fearsome words in the English language. But, with Whyte & Associates, Inc. as the trusted financial partner on your business’s side, an audit doesn’t have to be a source of considerable stress and anxiety. In fact, the first step to a healthier outlook on this process is to understand what the IRS audit really is as a means of overcoming any preconceived notions you may have about it. Below, our team in Rancho Cucamonga, California, is pleased to provide a few pointers about audits for small businesses (and more) to help you sleep a … Continue reading

Trusted guidance from uniquely qualified audit professionals

Year End Audit Preparation in Rancho Cucamonga CA Area

At Whyte & Associates, Inc., we know audits. Steve Whyte, an Enrolled Agent, leads our team in Rancho Cucamonga, California. As qualified E.A.s, the team adheres to rigorous ethics and competency standards on an ongoing basis.  As the most prestigious credential the IRS awards, Enrolled Agents are not limited in their practice rights. They represent all taxpayers on all tax issues and at any IRS office. Our valued clients have considerable peace of mind in all audit preparation and representation matters. And they know our year-end tips and guidance on this front are equally sound.  Don’t leave audit matters to … Continue reading

Hire Professional Tax Services to Prepare For an IRS Audit

Prepare for IRS Audit in Rancho Cucamonga area

Have you received a notice from the IRS about a looming audit? The truth is no one looks forward to tax audits. The good news is that Whyte & Associates, Inc. in Rancho Cucamonga, California, is here to help you navigate. Whether the tax audit is in person or through mail, our team is here to take the panic out of the process.  Preparing for an IRS audit Before going far, an IRS audit doesn’t mean you’ve done anything wrong. However, you should be prepared to handle the notification for a tax audit. The IRS initiates an audit when it … Continue reading

Stress Less; You are in Good Hands With Expert Risk Assessment, Audit Services

Risk Assessment Process in Audit Ontario CA area

Audit. How can just one little word instill so much fear? At Whyte & Associates, Inc., our team in Rancho Cucamonga, serving Ontario, California, and surrounding cities, takes the fear out of the process. It helps first to understand the “truths” about this process and to look at it through the lens of using associated risk assessment protocols to avoid the dreaded audit, as so many know it – the government audit of individual or business tax returns.  The process defined To “audit” is to scrutinize or examine one’s accounts, be it an organization or individual. Governmental agencies may flag … Continue reading

How a Financial Services Firm Can Help With IRS Audits

Financial Services Firm in Claremont CA

There’s a fair chance that you’ll have to go through an IRS audit at some point. The IRS audits over 600,000 tax returns per year. While audits have declined in recent years owing to budget cuts, recent changes, and increased funding now, mean that the IRS will have more resources to conduct audits. Working with a financial services firm is wise if you’re facing an audit and wondering why and how to choose a business consultant in Claremont, California. Let’s take a look. Reasons people get audited: Math errors Failure to report income Deducting excessive business expenses Claiming a home … Continue reading

Why is the risk-based internal audit so important?

Reduce Stress, Save Money with Live Payroll Service in La Verne CA Area

A risk-based internal audit is a relatively new management tool that top managers of an organization or firm use to assess potential threats, new opportunities, and weaknesses. Its value is increasingly critical for any company’s effective internal control, risk management, and corporate governance. Why should you consider a risk-based internal audit for your business? Here is a list of reasons: What Are the Benefits of Risk-Based Internal Audit? The benefits include the following: It helps achieve your business objectives. With the help of risk-based auditing, you can drive efficient usage of resources and time to accomplish business objectives.  It improves … Continue reading

Follow these quick tips for auditing your business and avoid the risk of not auditing your business

Risks of Not Auditing Your Business in La Verne CA Area

Running large and small businesses takes a lot of work, dedication, and knowledge. Many entrepreneurs are exceptionally busy, working long hours to achieve their dreams. Helping customers, employees, and other stakeholders is a priority. With so much already on the table, auditing and compiling company finances is a tough burden to bear. Not auditing your business, taxes, and other things creates risks. If you’d like to discuss further auditing requirements and the risks of not auditing your business in La Verne, California, and other areas nearby, contact Whyte & Associates, Inc. By auditing, we don’t mean “just” tax audits but … Continue reading

The Three Main Types of IRS Audits

IRS Audit Services in Rancho Cucamonga CA Area

Many people fear being audited by the IRS. Perhaps this is because they know that the IRS is a well-funded bureaucracy that is known for long and drawn-out audits. In other cases, they know someone who has been audited and have heard that it can be a complicated process to endure, even if the return was prepared correctly to begin with. At Whyte & Associates, Inc, we have the knowledge and expertise needed to support you with IRS audit services. The Three Main Types of IRS Audits There are different types of tax audits. The three main types are: The … Continue reading

Facing a Financial Audit? Here is the Checklist to Get You Ready

Financial Audit Checklist in Ontario CA Area

Whether your end-year is months away or just around the corner, you always experience the familiar feeling of audit dread. However, audits don’t need to be your worst nightmare. Preparing ahead can make the audit less daunting, whether you are facing a tax or financial audit. Whyte & Associates, Inc. proudly helps clients in Rancho Cucamonga, California, with audit matters, and today we guide you on how to make your business audit ready. Financial audit checklist Financial auditing is a critical function that helps evaluate whether the financial records have been prepared according to the accounting standards. An audit identifies … Continue reading

Tips for Handling a Tax Audit

Client Advisory Services Near Me Fontana CA

If you are in Claremont, California, and have been chosen for an IRS tax audit, do not panic! It does not necessarily mean you are in trouble. It simply means the IRS has questions about some of the information you put on your tax return. There may be errors on your return or information that’s “out of the ordinary.” These tips from Mr. Steve Whyte of Whyte & Associates, Inc. provide valuable insight into what to do if you are audited. Types of IRS Audits There are three types of IRS audits: Mail auditOffice auditField audit You can respond to … Continue reading